Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Module 12 questions

1.I selected uncertainty:Modernity and art because I began to think of how modern art is today and I wanted to know how it got to be. I also selected andy warhol :images of an image because he name sounded familiar to me.

2.Some key concepts I learned from the modern art video is that nazis tried to eradicate moderns arts uncertainty with their own.And also how pop art became a more common thing in art.In andy warhol video I learned that Any warhols work commented on the ubiquity of mass media in Modern America. Also how he has infuence on the rise of pop art.

3.The videos relate to the readings in the text due to the talk of pop art rising was introduced in the text and how it affecte some artist work. It also goes into how modern art is different from past art.

4.Both videos gave me an insight on modern art and how pop art has affected the art culture.

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