Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Module 11: Video Review

1. I chose my first video about expressionism because I was interested in seeing if expression was connected to it. I chose my second video the impact of cubism because I thought of Cuba.

2. Some key concepts learned in the first video is that expressionism emphasizes emotional properties of a piece of work.Also that expressionism led to contemporary Neo-expressionism.In the second video some key concepts are that cubism  was influenced by African Tribal art.Also that cubism is the most influential style of the early 20th century.

3.The readings in the text support these videos to which i goes into detail of how colors present of form of expression if applied the correct way. Also the text shows different African tribal art that is relatable to Cubism.

4. Both video I found interesting to look at different forms of art and get an understanding to where expressionism and Cubism gets its influence.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Module 9 Video

1.I decided to choose the Leonardo Davinci  video because I found reading about him he shows expression in his work. I also choose the power of art video because it sounded like an interesting title.

2. Some key concepts that I have learned is that Leonardo was the first to make a landscape portrait. He says when a painters mind is alive,his hands create the harmony of correct proportions at that moment.Some key concepts in the power of art video is that Michelangelo was known for being a bit of a trouble maker and he used his paintings to try and get away from getting caught.

3.Both Michelangelo and Leonardo Davinci were mention in the text the text explained how Leonardo would take current events and put it into his artwork. Michangelo in the text is relatable in the videos because he brings realistic human body art to a higher level.

4. I found these video to be informative on these two mens backroungd and what caused them to be as big as they are today.

Module 10 Video Review

1. I choose African Art: Legacy of oppression because I was interested to see how oppression effects their form of art.I also choose Chinese art because I have always been fascinated by Chinese artwork.

2.A key concept in the African art video is that central African artist glorified their mothers,and chiefs in their work.They also had magical art objects and the most common one of them were mask.
Chinese artist are known for their bright colors and use of simple things like trees goldfish and dragons.

3.  The readings i the text relate to the videos because in the text it shows how different cultures incorporate art and how their culture effects how it is made.

4. The films gave me a different view on each cultures art and why they were made the way they were.